Follow the Money

House Ways and Means Committee chair calls on IRS to revoke pro-Palestinian groups’ tax-exempt status

‘The evidence uncovered by the Ways and Means Committee strongly suggests that several American tax-exempt organizations are … fueling antisemitic activities,’ Rep. Jason Smith alleges

Bill Clark/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images

Chairman Jason Smith, R-Mo., speaks with an aide before the start of the House Ways and Means Committee markup hearing in the Longworth House Office Building on Wednesday, September 11, 2024.

House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith (R-MO) called on the Internal Revenue Service to revoke the tax-exempt status of several U.S.-based charitable organizations linked to anti-Israel protests, accusing the groups of being tied to foreign terrorist organizations and other illegal activity.

The requests target Americans for Justice in Palestine Educational Foundation, American Muslims for Palestine, Students for Justice in Palestine, the Alliance for Justice, Islamic Relief USA, Jewish Voice for Peace, The People’s Forum, the Tides Foundation, the Adalah Justice Project, the Arab Resource and Organizing Center, United Hands Relief Inc., WESPAC, Within Our Lifetime, the U.S. Palestinian Community Network and the Palestinian Youth Movement.

Smith’s inquiries to the IRS lay out derogatory information about each of the listed groups, pointing to public news reports about ongoing litigation against the groups, their involvement with unlawful or otherwise disruptive protests and other activities and alleged links to terrorist groups.

“The evidence uncovered by the Ways and Means Committee strongly suggests that several American tax-exempt organizations are operating outside of their tax-exempt purpose, fueling antisemitic activities, breaking multiple laws and fueling hate and chaos in America,” Smith said in a statement. “The Biden-Harris Administration must waste no time in revoking these organizations’ tax-exempt status or risk sending the message that this type of behavior is permissible under our tax code.”

He alleged that American taxpayers are effectively subsidizing these groups’ activities “and potentially terrorist organizations overseas” due to their tax-exempt statuses.

Smith continued, “The Ways and Means Committee will continue putting pressure on the Biden-Harris Administration until it stands up to the pro-Hamas wing of the Democrat Party and puts a stop to this antisemitic and anti-American behavior once and for all.”

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