

'The Jewish Nielsen'

Weeks 3 and 4 of Zoom events — who is watching what?

Over the last two weeks, Jewish organizations held webinars around Passover, some focused on the holiday, others looking at how the community, country and world will handle the upcoming weeks and months amid the coronavirus.

  1. 2,484 — Anti-Defamation League, 4/14: “Preventing Zoombombing and and Using New Zoom Tools for Safer Meetings.” feat. Zoom Chief Product Officer Oded Gal. Jewish Insider’s Marc Rod reports on the new security measures Gal told listeners the company plans to take in the coming weeks.
  2. 1,982 — Anti-Defamation League/Secure Communities Network, 4/7: “Zoombombing and Other Threats to your Videoconferencing”
  3. 832 — Jewish Federation of Los Angeles 4/13: “Where Do We Go From Here? Investing in the Age of Coronavirus” feat. Howard Marks
  4. 605 — American Jewish Committee 4/14: “The Post-Corbyn Labour Party – A New Era?” feat. Lord John Mann
  5. 509 — American Jewish Committee, 4/13: “An Improbable Jewish Journey” feat. David Harris
  6. 421 — American Jewish Committee, 4/6: “How Will Coronavirus Impact Jewish Life in Europe?”
  7. 355 — American Jewish Committee, 4/7: “Catholic and Jewish Perspective on the Eve of Easter and Passover in the Age of Coronavirus” feat. Rabbi Noam Marans
  8. 333 — Israel Policy Forum, 4/14: “How Viable is Peace to Prosperity?” feat. Dr. Col. (ret) Shaul Arieli
  9. 255 — American Jewish Committee, 4/13: “Celebrity Storytime” feat. Josh Malina
  10. 221 — Hillel International, 4/6: “Breaking Barriers: Channel 2’s Arab Israeli journalist and Jewish Israeli actor of Fauda navigate their next chapter together” feat. Lucy Aharish and Tsahi Halevi
  11. 218 — J Street, 4/7: “Conflict 101” feat. Jeremy Ben-Ami
  12. 196 — Jewish Democratic Council of America, 4/14: “Pandemic Playbook” feat. Jeremy Konyndyk
  13. 180 — Jewish Democratic Council of America, 4/17: “Responding to Adversity with Politics, Song & Prayer” feat. Rabbis Michael Latz and Joel Simonds
  14. 161 — J Street, 4/14: “How J Street’s Allies on the Hill are Responding to the COVID Crisis”
  15. 155 — J Street, 4/13: “The Israeli Opposition Fights Back” feat. MK Yair Golan
  16. 138 — Tribe Tel Aviv, 4/13: “The Day After Corona: Israel, the Jewish People & the Future of Humanity” feat. Yossi Klein Halevi
  17. 99 — Hillel International, 4/14: “Conversation with the Emmy-winning creator and director of the TV show Transparent” feat. Jill Soloway

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