Secure Community Network backs Noem’s Homeland Security nomination
The Jewish communal security group said ‘there are few governors who have shown greater interest or been a stronger partner’ in building relationships with the Jewish community
JIM WATSON/AFP via Getty Images
The Secure Community Network is endorsing South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem’s nomination to head the Department of Homeland Security, a significant stamp of approval from the national Jewish community for Noem’s confirmation to the national security post.
SCN provides security guidance, training and support to hundreds of Jewish organizations and institutions across the country and liaises between Jewish communal groups and federal law enforcement, making it a key player in Jewish communal security.
In letters to Sens. Rand Paul (R-KY) and Gary Peters (D-MI), respectively the chair and ranking member of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs committees, SCN Chair Wendy Berger and CEO Michael Masters expressed strong support for Noem, citing her record on protecting Jewish and other religious institutions.
“There are few governors who have shown greater interest or been a stronger partner in building substantive relationships of trust between government and the faith-based community – and our Jewish community, in particular – to ensure the safety and security of the same, than Governor Noem,” the letters, obtained by Jewish Insider, read.
They describe her attention to the South Dakota community as especially important given the small size of the state’s Jewish community.
“The Governor’s attention to our community, however, was not based on our size, but her recognition of the importance of religious freedom – and that the Jewish community is the most threatened religious community in our nation,” the letters continue. “For this, we were – and remain – deeply appreciative to her.”
The letters state that Noem has personally worked to address and speak out about threats to the community, especially since the Oct. 7 Hamas terror attacks, calling her work “critical to ensuring Jewish life could not merely exist but thrive,” and Noem herself “knowledgeable, tested, and committed to combatting threats to the Homeland and to faith-based communities, in particular.”
The letters “strongly encourage” Noem’s confirmation, specifically on the first day of President-elect Donald Trump’s administration, emphasizing the importance of having “experienced, established leadership” at DHS immediately.
“The hard work, as we’ve seen over the last several days, weeks, months, certainly since Oct. 7, is at a break-neck speed, and we cannot afford a lapse in leadership, so it is vital that we get [national security nominees] into their positions as quickly as possible to protect the country and protect our community,” Masters told JI in an interview on Tuesday.
Many other Jewish groups do not explicitly endorse executive branch nominees, but Masters said that SCN has historically endorsed nominees for key national security posts with whom it has interacted in the past and who have shown a commitment to the Jewish community.
He said that Noem had requested briefings shortly after Oct. 7 about the impact the attack was having on the safety of the Jewish community in the United States, that she had engaged with Jewish community members and institutions and that she had shown a dedication to the Nonprofit Security Grant Program, as well as committed state resources to securing Jewish institutions.
He said that individuals who know Noem have told SCN that “this is not a new focus for her, this is a longtime focus since she was a young person.”
“We hope that she’ll continue to bring that same attention to DHS, understanding the very real security concerns that our institutions and community faces,” he continued.
Masters said SCN looked forward to working with Noem at DHS, if she’s confirmed, to make sure that Jewish communities have the federal security resources they need, particularly in light of funding difficulties for the NSGP.
SCN hasn’t yet endorsed any other nominees, but Masters said that it may do so if Trump nominates other individuals with whom SCN has relationships, especially at DHS.