‘The Jewish Nielsen’
Who’s watching what, Week 34

As in-person convenings across the country have been rendered impossible due to the coronavirus pandemic, organizations have taken to the internet to connect with supporters and expand their reach. Since the start of the pandemic, Jewish Insider has compiled statistics, released weekly, on the webinars and online events being held across the community.
Week of Nov.6-Nov. 12:
- 3,527 — Jews United for Democracy and Justice and Community Advocates, Inc., 11/11: “American at a Crossroads” feat. Bill Kristol and Patt Morrison
- 1,498 — Streicker Center, 11/10: “Dr. Lisa Leff, The French Jewish Experience, a Recap”
- 1,152 — Streicker Center, 11/11: “Dr. Oded Borowski, For Everything there is a Season, Daily Life in Biblical Times”
- 981 — Streicker Center, 11/9: “Orchestra of St. Luke’s: Musical Revolutionaries”
- 663 — American Jewish Committee, 11/12: “The View from the Senate: A Conversation with Senator Chris Murphy”
- 561 — Jewish Federations of North America, 11/6: “What Comes Next? A Post-Election Deep Dive”
- 513 — Israel Policy Forum, 11/10: “What’s Next? Israel, the Palestinians, and the United States After the American Presidential Election” feat. Michael Koplow and Aaron Weinberg
- 452 — J Street, 11/10: “Analysis of J Street’s 2020 Election Night Poll with Jim Gerstein”
- 442 — American Jewish University, 11/9: “Reflections on the Elections” feat. Halie Soifer and Rabbi Cheryl Peretz
- 429 — Jewish Community Relations Council of NY, 11/9: “Discussion: The Swastika in American, Jewish & Asian Cultures” feat. Steven Heller, Ravi Vaidyanaat Sivachariar, Rev. Dr. TK Nakagaki and Rhonda Binda
- 311 — Moment Magazine, 11/10: “The State of Democracy 2020: A Post Election View with EJ Dionne and Robert Siegel”
- 301 — Baltimore Jewish Council, 11/9: “Commemoration of Kristallnacht: Broken Glass… Unbroken Spirit”
- 272 — American Jewish Committee, 11/11: “Jewish Students on Campus: Three Leadership Stories”
- 246 — Maccabi USA, 11/11: “The 21st Maccabiah Experience, Road to Israel 2022”
- 219 — American Jewish University, 11/9: “Kristallnacht and Jewish Disenfranchisement: Responding to Histories, Looking Forward” feat. Dr. Steven Windmueller and Rick Richman
- 211 — American Jewish University, 11/10: “Beyond Divisions: How We Re-Unite Post Elections” feat. Jeffrey Salkin and Rabbi Dr Bradley Shavit Artson
- 135 — American Jewish University, 11/11: “Rebuilding Bipartisan Support for Israel” feat. David Brog and Dr. Jeffrey Herbst
- 77 — American Jewish University, 11/12: “The Future of Theater & Community: A Conversation with Diana Wyenn and Dr. Rotem Rozental”
- 68 — Maccabi USA, 11/10: “Maccabi USA Sports Show featuring Mike Tollin”
- 65 — Hillel International, 11/11: ”Judaism and Latin America: A Conversation on Intersectionality with Rabbi Rolando Matalon”
All figures are verified by Jewish Insider prior to publication. To be considered for future reports, email [email protected]