
Torres urges NY college leaders to ensure policies account for antisemitic ‘code words’

The New York legislator said universities must account for the fact that anti-Semites on campus sometimes substitute ‘Zionist’ for ‘Jew’ in their activity

David Dee Delgado/Getty Images

Rep. Ritchie Torres (D-NY) at the 46th Precincts National Night Out on August 3, 2021 in the Bronx borough of New York City.

Rep. Ritchie Torres (D-NY), called on the leaders of several New York-area universities on Monday to ensure that their policies acknowledge that “Zionist” and other “code words” are used in the perpetuation of antisemitism on college campuses.

The letter sent by Torres, addressed to the leaders of Columbia University, the State University of New York system, Cornell University, the City University of New York and Fordham University, praises New York University for updating its policies to reflect that speech and activity targeting “Zionists” can be a violation of campus rules.

“The substitution of the word ‘Zionist’ for ‘Jew’ is the modus operandi of the new antisemitism. Colleges and universities must make it clear that word games will fool no one,” Torres said in his letter to the university leaders. “Engaging in harassment, intimidation, and discrimination against ‘Zionists’ is antisemitism both in intent and in effect, and academia should never hesitate to say so clearly and punish it swiftly.”

He urged the schools to follow NYU’s example and include similar language in their own policies against discrimination and harassment. 

“Antisemitism is best understood as an ancient virus that mutates over time. Colleges and universities must be nimble enough to respond to the modern mutations of an ancient virus that, for too long, has been a plague on the soul of humanity,” Torres continued.

He added that antisemitism and anti-Zionism are not are not as easily separated “in the real world as they can be in academic papers,” a fact reflected by Jewish students’ own experiences on campus.

“Jewish students are entitled by law to institutions that are dedicated to their safety as an essential element of their education,” Torres said.

The fall semester is beginning at campuses across the country and anti-Israel demonstrators have already interrupted a ceremony at Columbia and vandalized an administrative building at Cornell.

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