Sheldon Adelson to host Carr fundraiser
Sheldon and Miriam Adelson are hosting a dinner fundraiser for congressional candidate Elan Carr tomorrow evening at the Four Seasons Hotel in Beverly Hills. Carr is running as a Republican for California’s 33rd district in a rather liberal area. Tickets for the general reception and dinner range from $1,000 to $2,600. A VIP reception ticket starts at $5,200. Host Committee members include Beny & Adele Alagem, Elliot & Robin Boridy, Robert & Beverly Cohen, Edward & Elissa Czuker, Shawn & Dorit Evenhaim, Larry Field, Sam & Ardyth Freshman, Fred & Dina Leeds, Arie Lipnick, Marvin Markowitz, Adam & Gila Milstein, Ron & Annette Plotkin, Fred & Carla Sands, Naty & Debbie Saidoff, and Mark & Pam Teitelbaum.
In an interview with the LA Jewish Journal, Carr said his Jewish values are what is key to his work and candidacy.
“Judaism is a central and defining part of who I am, and the main source of my worldview and my moral compass,” Carr, a criminal gang prosecutor at the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office, wrote in his response to the Journal’s questions. In addition to celebrating Shabbat, speaking Hebrew with his kids (two girls, a boy on the way), and visiting Israel every year, Carr, who is international president of Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity, can claim the unusual distinction of having lit a chanukiyah in the former presidential palace of Saddam Hussein during his deployment as a U.S. Army officer in Iraq.
Foreign policy is a “central concern” for Carr, he said, “especially as it relates to a strong U.S.-Israel relationship.” He pledged to be a “reliable vote for Israel” and stated that American support for Israel had to be “constant, unequivocal and bipartisan.”
As a result of running in a nonpartisan primary against a raft of Democratic candidates, Carr is “very likely” to finish first on June 3,” according to Scott Lay, a former Democratic Party activist who writes a daily newsletter about California politics and policy.