
Jewish Insider (JI) covers politics and policy – and the people driving it – in the U.S., Middle East and beyond.

Our team of journalists are on location around the world. From the halls of Congress and the White House and State Department briefing rooms in D.C. to the campaign trail in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina, our political reporters are your eyes and ears on the latest news and buzz. We also bring you the latest in culture and culture wars, from college campus

JI delivers a curated morning newsletter, the Daily Kickoff, which provides an overview of the news, buzz and stories that matter. The Daily Kickoff is distributed on weekday mornings. To subscribe to the Daily Kickoff, please click here.

In January 2021, JI acquired eJewishPhilanthropy.com. EJP is a must-read resource for foundation professionals, donors, organizational leaders and social entrepreneurs working in the philanthropic space. Sign up for eJP’s daily newsletter Your Daily Phil here.

In January 2022, JI launched a new publication called The Circuit which covers the Middle East and beyond through a business and cultural lens. Subscribe to The Circuit‘s newsletter here.

Your feedback is important to us. Please send us your thoughts by emailing [email protected].


Job Openings

Join our team at Jewish Insider.

Remote (Israel)

eJewishPhilanthropy is looking for a go-getting early- or mid-career reporter with a sharp news sense and with the ability to quickly turn around clean, precise copy, from shorter hard news stories to larger features, on a variety of topics.

Remote (United States)

eJewishPhilanthropy is looking for a go-getting early- or mid-career reporter with a sharp news sense and with the ability to quickly turn around clean, precise copy, from shorter hard news stories to larger features, on a variety of topics.

Remote (United States)

Jewish Insider is looking for a talented, hard-working U.S.-based editor with strong initiative, good news judgment to help edit and guide stories from inception to publication. The editor should be knowledgeable of institutional dynamics across the United States, particularly at leading cultural institutions and universities.

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