air adelson

Sheldon Adelson ships two million masks to U.S. hospitals

The majority of the protective gear will go to hospitals in Nevada and New York

Governor Ron DeSantis’s Press Office

Sheldon Adelson

Casino mogul Sheldon Adelson has procured approximately two million face masks to counter the shortage of the much-needed protective gear at hospitals across the United States, a source close to the billionaire informed Jewish Insider on Monday. 

The masks were produced in China at Adelson’s expense and are being shipped to first responders and hospitals in New York and Nevada that are fighting the coronavirus pandemic, the source said. 

Of the masks donated by Adelson, 250,000 will go to the Trump administration’s coordinated effort to assist health workers. On Sunday, the first planeload of health care supplies arrived in New York City from China through a public-private partnership called Project Airbridge, the White House said.

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