Rep. Deutch: Jewish Support for Clinton Will Soar
Hillary Clinton’s lead over Donald Trump among Jewish voters in the state of Florida is likely to grow, Democratic Congressman Ted Deutch told Jewish Insider in an interview on Sunday.
A poll released on Friday showed Clinton with a 43-point lead over Trump among Florida Jews. The Democratic presidential nominee is supported by 66 percent of Jewish voters, while Trump is supported by 23 percent, according to the poll conducted by Jim Gerstein from GBA Strategies.
“I don’t think there is anything surprising about those poll numbers when you look at the two candidates, their record, and what they have said during the campaign,” Deutch told Jewish Insider.
“People have short memories and forget that just in December of last year Trump stood in front of the RJC and said, ‘You’re not going to support me because I don’t want your money.’ And then went on to say, ‘You want to control your own politicians.’ That came and went, and I don’t think it got the attention it deserved,” Deutch asserted. “Although, obviously, all of this has sort of settled in. That was one when he couldn’t disavow David Duke, when he refused to acknowledge that his Twitter account uses of images of the most anti-Semitic social media. And then add to that – and I think this is probably after the poll was done – the fact that the candidate who says he’s going to have a policy of extreme vetting, apparently failed to use that own policy when hiring a campaign manager (Steven Bannon, who was hired as the campaign’s CEO). He’s got a campaign manager who, as it has been reported, didn’t want his kids to go to school with Jews and he doesn’t like Jews. So, all of that together and then couple that with the community’s longstanding relationship with Secretary Clinton, I don’t think it’s any surprise that those numbers are there, and I expect that the numbers would be even bigger on Election Day.”
According to the Florida Democrat, the reason that there has been this surge of statements in opposition to Donald Trump by Republican national security leaders is because they realize “that it would be a national security threat to have someone who is willing to say whatever comes out of his mouth at any moment, even as it changes from hour to hour, and even if it offends any number of groups in our country and our allies around the world.”
Deutch predicted that once voters understand that the new toned-down and humble Trump is the same candidate who said that when it comes to Middle East peace, “he doesn’t want to in a position where he has to tell people his choice of what side he’s on,” there is “every reason to think that the numbers will be considerably higher when we get to November.”
“Simply being able to deliver a speech from a teleprompter doesn’t negate months and months of concerning statements about the way that Trump would behave as President of the United States,” he stated.
Jewish voters represent 3 to 6 percent of the electorate in Florida, a state that is expected to be one of the toss-up battleground states that could determine the presidential race.