

‘The Jewish Nielsen’

Who’s watching what, Weeks 40, 41 and 42

As in-person convenings across the country have been rendered impossible due to the coronavirus pandemic, organizations have taken to the internet to connect with supporters and expand their reach. Since the start of the pandemic, Jewish Insider has compiled statistics, released weekly, on the webinars and online events being held across the community.

Weeks of Dec. 18 – Jan. 7:

  1. 3,517 — Jews United for Democracy and Justice and Community Advocates, Inc., 12/23: “America at a Crossroads” feat. Bret Stephens and Henry Weinstein 
  2. 1,042 — Moment Magazine, 1/5: “What’s so Funny About Jewish Humor” feat. William Novak
  3. 878 — American Jewish University, 1/6: “Jewish Medical Ethics Made Accessible” feat. Yael Weinstein and Rabbi Elliot Dorff
  4. 722 — International March of the Living, 12/22: “Exclusive Screening and Q&A of ‘Blind Love: A Holocaust Journey through Poland with Man’s Best Friend’” feat. Eli Rubenstein and Liron Artzi
  5. 718 — Jewish Democratic Council of America, 12/22: “Community Conversation: Black-Jewish Coalitions and the Civil Rights Movement”
  6. 672 — American Jewish University, 1/7: “Transform your Greatest Fears into Your Greatest Gifts” feat. Rabbi Steve Leder and Rabbi Ed Feinstein
  7. 563 — Israel Policy Forum, 1/5: “Israeli Political Breakdown” feat. Barak Ravid
  8. 523 — J Street, 1/6: “Back to the Ballot: Israeli Elections 4.0” feat. Nadav Tamir and Tal Schneider
  9. 442 — Americans For A Safe Israel, 12/30: “Israeli Elections: The Emerging Landscape” feat. Dr. Mordechai Kedar
  10. 373 — Israel Policy Forum, 12/22: “How are the Palestinians responding to developments in the Middle East?” feat. Hussein Ibish
  11. 85 — Baltimore Jewish Council and the Pearlstone Center, 12/21: “4th Annual Environmental Advocacy Forum: Charting the Course for a More Just & Sustainable Future”

All figures are verified by Jewish Insider prior to publication. To be considered for future reports, email [email protected]

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