Clinton: ISIS Praying to ‘Allah’ For Trump’s Victory
ISIS and Islamic Jihadist groups are praying to “Allah” for Donald Trump’s victory in the November presidential election, Hillary Clinton told Israel’s Channel 2, in her first interview to a Jewish media outlet.
Citing an Op-Ed by Matt Olsen, a former director of the National Counterterrorism Center, Clinton said, “I found it even surprising how clear and compelling the case was, where he quoted ISIS spokespeople rooting for Donald Trump’s victory because Trump has made Islam and Muslims part of his campaign, and basically, Matt Olsen argues, that the jihadists see this as a great gift, they are saying, ‘Oh, please Allah, make Trump president of America!”
“I’m not interested in giving aid and comfort to their evil ambitions,” she continued. “I want to defeat them, I want to end their reign of terror, I don’t want them to feel as though they can be getting more recruits because of our politics.”
The Trump campaign called Clinton’s remarks “desperate attacks of a flailing campaign sinking in the polls, and characteristics of someone woefully unfit for the presidency of the United States.”
In the interview, the Democratic presidential candidate also defended the Iranian nuclear deal, suggesting that Iran was “weeks away” from a nuclear bomb before the deal was signed.
“I believe with all my heart that putting a lid on Iran’s nuclear weapons program has made Israel safer, has made the region safer, prevented a nuclear arms race,” Clinton told Channel 2’s Yonit Levy. She further pledged to hold the Iranians “to every single element of the agreement that they have reached.”
“I would rather be dealing with Iran’s continuing aggressive behavior without them being weeks away from breakout, which is where they were,” Clinton stressed. “Iran was able to master the nuclear fuel cycle, build covert facilities and stack them with centrifuges when George W. Bush was president. When Obama came in and I accepted to be secretary of state, we faced the very real potential of Iran acquiring a nuclear weapon.”
On Wednesday, during a “commander in chief” televised forum in New York, Clinton dodged a question as to how she would respond to Iran cheating on the terms of the nuclear agreement.
A poll released on Wednesday showed that while Clinton remains the favorite U.S. presidential candidate in the eyes of the Israeli public, a plurality think a Trump administration would better serve Israeli government’s interests.
But according to Clinton, based on his past comments and inexperience, Trump simply can’t be trusted from a pro-Israeli standpoint. “There is no rhyme or reason to his comments on Israel,” Clinton asserted. “It depends on what day he’s talking. He has said that we should be neutral on Israel on Monday. Then on Tuesday he has said that, oh he’s really supportive of Israel. Wednesday he might say Israel should pay back the defense aid it’s received over the years… He is a very untrustworthy spokesperson about where he stands from day-to-day on Israel. His understanding of the broader dangers of the region should alarm any Israeli, no matter where that person is on the political spectrum.”
Clinton also used Trump in his own words to mock his pro-Israel record. “The best I can tell, his only experience is marching in the Fifth Avenue Israel Day parade,” she joked.
In the prime time interview, the Democratic nominee sought to reassure the Israeli public says that if elected she would work with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to make sure Israel’s qualitative military edge is preserved. “Shortly after being inaugurated I would invite the prime minister to Washington for meetings, I would send my joint chiefs and intelligence experts to Israel to meet with their counterparts,” she said. “What we need to do first and foremost is to be sure that qualitative military edge is unmatched.”