BDS founder Omar Barghouti heads to DC, for panel with Peter Beinart, seeks Congressional meetings
Omar Barghouti,
According to Congressional sources, Barghouti is seeking meetings on Capitol Hill.
Barghouti will also participate on Thursday in two panels at the Arab American Institute in Washington, D.C.
The first event, co-sponsored by the Foundation for Middle East Peace and NYU-Washington, D.C., is billed as a “candid conversation about the BDS movement” between Barghouti and Peter Beinart. The other event, later in the day, is co-sponsored by Jewish Voice for Peace – D.C. Metro chapter.
“I disagree with Omar Barghouti on BDS and the existence of a Jewish state,” Beinart told Jewish Insider. “But I believe the American Jewish community’s habit of talking about Palestinians without talking to Palestinians is pathological. It’s a recipe for ignorance and dehumanization. In Pirkei Avot Ben Zoma asks, ‘Who is wise? The one who learns from all people.’ That’s the principle I’m trying to follow.”