Nadler: Trump ‘Can’t Hide’ Behind Netanyahu on Anti-Semitism
WASHINGTON – Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) called Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s support of President Trump against charges of anti-Semitism “very inappropriate.” After Channel 10 reporter Moav Vardi asked Trump about a spike in anti-Semitism incidents following the President’s victory, Netanyahu dismissed any connection and noted, “There is no greater supporter of the Jewish people and the Jewish state than President Donald Trump. I think we should put that to rest.”
Nadler told Jewish Insider that Netanyahu’s defense “is a nonsensical statement frankly as long as the President refuses to come out and condemn anti-Semitism, full-throatedly… and refuses to identify the Holocaust with Jewish victims.”
The New York legislator added that Trump must reject anti-Semitism and “he can’t hide behind Netanyahu.”
“I wish Bibi wouldn’t have gone where he went,” Abe Foxman, former National Director of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), told Jewish Insider. “If the President wasn’t willing to stand up to say he will fight anti-Semitism, I thought that was an unnecessary move.”
Trump reiterated today that his daughter Ivanka, three grandchildren and many friends are Jewish in response to Vardi’s question about anti-Semitism.
“I am appalled that when asked about the rise in anti-Semitic attacks in this country, President Trump responded by recounting his vote count in the Electoral College.” Rep. Ted Deutch (D-FL) noted.
“Our ability to monitor and fight anti-Semitism around the world is very much less when the President of the US refuses to condemn it here,” Nadler concluded.
Ranking Democratic Member on the House Intelligence Committee Adam Schiff (D-CA) Tweeted, “Thank you Mr. President. Your electoral college victory is surely a great comfort to Jewish Community Centers receiving bomb threats.”
Jacob Kornbluh contributed to this report