Praising Israeli Tactics, Trump Calls for Racial Profiling

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump reiterated his call for racial profiling on Monday to effectively neutralize the threat of terrorist attacks in the United States.

“Our local police, they know who a lot of these people are. They are afraid to do anything about it because they don’t want to be accused of profiling,” Trump said in an interview on the “Fox & Friends” morning program.

Trump pointed to Israel’s policing and security tactics as a tool to prevent future terrorist attacks,

“You know, in Israel, they profile,” Trump said. “They’ve done an unbelievable job — as good as you can do. But Israel has done an unbelievable job. And they’ll profile. They profile. They see somebody that’s suspicious. They will profile. They will take that person in. They will check out.”

It’s not the first time Trump had suggested to implement a policy of racial profiling.

In June, following the San Bernardino and Orlando terrorist attacks, the Republican nominee raised the idea of racial profiling as a tool to prevent future attacks. “I think profiling is something that we’re going to have to start thinking about as a country,” Trump said on CBS’ “Face the Nation” program. “You know, I hate the concept of profiling. But we have to start using common sense and we have to use our heads. We really have to look at profiling. We have to look at it seriously.”

“You look at Israel and you look at others and they do it and they do it successfully,” he added.

An Afghanistan-born American, a suspect sought in connection with Saturday night’s bombing in New York City bombing that left dozens injured, is now in police custody after a shootout with police officers in New Jersey. Ahmad Khan Rahami, 28, of Elizabeth, New Jersey, was identified as the main suspect of at least three terrorist incidents late Sunday.

Speaking at a press conference on Monday, Hillary Clinton said the United States will confront the threat of terror with “resolve, not fear.”

“This threat is real, but so is our resolve. Americans will not cower. We will prevail,” Clinton said, sounding more like an incumbent president running for reelection. She also claimed that her Republican opponent is “giving aid and comfort to our adversaries.”

The Trump campaign immediately fired back, suggesting that Clinton is seeking to distract voters from the administration’s failure to defeat ISIS. “Hillary Clinton’s comments today accusing Mr. Trump of treason are not only beyond the pale, it’s also an attempt to distract from her horrible record on ISIS,” Trump’s spokesman Jason Miller said in a statement. “If Clinton really wants to find the real cause of ISIS, she needs to take a long, hard look in the mirror. The decision to remove all American troops from Iraq in 2011, which was vigorously supported by Clinton, created the vacuum that led to the founding of ISIS. Nothing she says or does can ever un-ring that bell. The only thing we can expect from a Hillary Clinton presidency is more attacks on our homeland and more innocent Americans being hurt and killed.”

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