
Mexico’s Foreign Secretary Lambastes Trump’s Anti-Mexican Rhetoric

Mexican Foreign Secretary Claudia Ruiz Massieu issued a blistering attack against Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump in a speech to a prominent Jewish group in Washington, D.C., on Monday.

“The United States benefits greatly from the economic relationship with Mexico, and the American people benefit immensely from the presence of Mexican people in this country,” Ruiz Massieu said during a speech at the American Jewish Committee’s Global Forum without mentioning Donald Trump by name. “People, we are most definitely not the problem; we are part of the solution. Our problem is not one of closed borders, but one of narrow minds.”

Lambasting Trump’s recent comments about Mexican immigrants “for political gain,” Ruiz Massieu stressed, “The Mexican people have always been a positive presence and force for good in the United States. And this is not an opinion, it is a fact. The future and viability of the United States as an economic dominant power in the 21st century is linked to the success of its immigrant population.”

According to the foreign secretary, the “foreign” people Trump disparages and demonizes are no different than American Jews and others who “plow the land and make sure there is food on our table.”

“Those who want to make political profit stigmatizing these people, be them Mexicans, Jews, Muslims, people of color, or Asians, are wrong,” she said. “For this country was founded on the very principle – the self evident truth that all men and women are endowed with the same rights – life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

Ruiz Massieu further touted the close relationship between the Mexican people and the Jewish community and their shared values, saying that if history has taught us anything, “when discrimination is allowed against one group, it’s just a matter of time before it is targeted against others.”

“Let me say loud and clear: Fighting anti-Semitism, like standing up to anti-Mexican sentiments, is not a Jewish issue nor a Mexican issue. It’s a common battle for human rights. It is a matter of universal dignity that goes beyond race, religion, ideology or politics. And this stance is simply non-negotiable,” she added.

Ruiz Massieu concluded, “The Mexican-U.S. alliance is unwavering. It has deep, strong roots, and it’s mature enough to endure any political juncture. It goes way beyond this unprecedented electoral process.”

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