
EXCLUSIVE: Audio of Pro-Trump GOTV Announcement in Borough Park

BROOKLYN, NEW YORK – As reported by Jewish Insider, a get out the vote operation is under way in the Orthodox Jewish neighborhood of Borough Park to galvanize support for Donald Trump in the New York presidential primary on Tuesday.

Jewish Insider was able to obtain a short audio of the music track and GOTV announcement that will play on loudspeakers in the streets of Borough Park on Tuesday until the polls close.

“Dear neighbors, take part in this historic opportunity to elect a presidential candidate,” the narrator says.

“If you’re a registered Republican, please go out and vote for Donald Trump.

“Donald Trump is the best candidate for our community.

Trump understands our needs and will endeavor for our necessities.

“Our devoted District Leader, R’ Nachman Caller, calls on all registered Republicans to take a few minutes of their time and vote for Donald Trump.

“Your vote will show support and will benefit us for the future.”

The announcement is followed by a Hasidic tune sung by a Hasidic choir.

The Yiddish lyrics include the following:

“The entire Jewish community, united everywhere, to support Donald Trump.

“Trump for president.

“Vote Donald Trump — for your enjoyment and advantage.”

The operation is run by Republican district leader (Assembly District 48) Nachman Caller. “As the Republican district leader, I am in the unique position to galvanize Republican voters to do the right thing for the country and for our community so we can be instrumental in making Donald Trump the Republican candidate,” Caller told Jewish Insider.

According to the Optimus survey, Trump has only 39.5 percent of the vote in the 10th congressional district -the city’s largest Jewish population and second-largest Republican population – Kasich has 31.7 percent and Cruz has 21.3. If Trump gets above 50 percent of the vote, he will get all three delegates up for grabs in each district.

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