Poll of Jewish New Yorkers: Hillary Leads, Rubio and Sanders Most Favorable
Hillary Clinton has a comfortable lead over her rival Senator Bernie Sanders in the New York primary for the Democratic nomination in 2016, a new poll showed on Monday.
According to the Siena Research poll, Clinton leads Sanders 55 to 34 percent in a head-to-head matchup among Democratic voters in New York. The Brooklyn-born Jewish Senator trails Hillary by a 8 point margin among Jewish Democratic voters (41-33). 20 percent had no opinion.
Nonetheless, when it comes to favorability, Sanders has a 44/36 favorable/unfavorable ratings among Jewish New Yorkers. Hillary, an establishment favorite and better known to the Jewish community, has a 16-point negative rating (37/53 favorable/unfavorable).
Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio has the highest favorability out of all presidential hopefuls among Jewish voters. By a 47 to 34 percentage point margin, Jewish voters see Rubio as favorable, while 61 percent see Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump as unfavorable.
While New York would not even be in play in the general election, Rubio leads Hillary 46-42 among Jewish voters in the Empire State. Hillary leads Trump and Ted Cruz between 4 to 6 percent in hypothetical match-ups. In 2012, President Barack Obama beat Republican Mitt Romney among Jewish voters in New York by a 52-41 percentage point margin, according to the RJC’s exit poll.