Trump: ‘We Will Save Israel’
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump charged on Thursday that President Barack Obama hates the State of Israel.
Speaking at a campaign rally in Reno, Nevada a day after the 3rd Republican televised debate, Trump said that “many friends” in Israel “don’t know what happened” with the U.S. support of Israel in light of the Iran nuclear deal.
“They (Israelis) actually think Obama hates Israel. I think he does,” Trump suggested.
The Republican presidential hopeful said the Iran deal “is so bad for Israel – so dangerous” and “Israel is in such a massive amount of trouble because of the agreement.”
“Israel is safe with this one,” Trump declared, poking his chest. “Safe, safe! We will save Israel. Nothing, nothing bad is going to happen to Israel.”
The comments were made after an audience member shouted, “What about Israel?” as Trump opened up the floor for questions.
“I heard the beautiful name of Israel,” he remarked. I’m so glad you mentioned that.”
Back in April, before he launched his presidential campaign, Trump boasted on Twitter: “Nobody but Donald Trump will save Israel.”