Scott: Pro-Israelis ‘Confused’ Over Iran Deal

American support for Israel remains strong in spite of the Iranian nuclear deal and the confusion coming out from the White House, Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) said on Sunday.

Addressing a Christians United For Israel (CUFI) “Night To Honor Israel” annual event in San Antonio, Texas, Scott said, “Over the last few years we have been confused with the White House, but we are not confused at my house (Congress).”

The Republican Senator told the crowd that he, too, was confused “for a little bit” when the Iran nuclear deal was signed in July. “The Iran deal is not a deal. I don’t understand how we call that a deal because we didn’t get anything out of the deal,” he asserted. Revealing how he failed geography and cynics in high school, as well as Spanish and English, Scott said that even as a “9th grade flunk out” he would’ve known “that this deal was a bad deal, an awful deal.”

“There are members of the U.S Congress, and there are members of the U.S. Senate who get on their knees praying for the peace of Jerusalem,” Scott added, as he kneeled on the floor of the stage.

Citing Esther (4:14) “For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place,” Scott declared, “There is a day of reckoning coming, and we can either run from the day or stand with Israel on that day. And when that day comes, count me in. I’m going to stand with my Jewish brothers.”

Also at the event, Pastor John Hagee called on Sec. of State John Kerry to “honor us” and resign for blaming Israel first when, in fact, President Mahmoud Abbas “started this bloodbath.”

“You sold Israel out in Iran, and you’re still selling them out,” he said.

Stating that Israel has lost America’s support, Hagee said: “America has called itself a friend of Israel. According to Proverbs 17, a friend loveth at all times. Does your friend sign a nuclear agreement with your enemy – Iran?”

The Christian leader also suggested that the UN building should be demolished by bulldozers, “and shove that pile of bricks into the East River,” over UNESCO’s recent vote to designate Rachel’s Tomb and the Tomb of the Patriarchs as exclusively Muslim sites.

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