Jewish Orgs to Hold Vigil for Murdered Couple Outside Palestinian UN Mission in NY
Several Jewish organizations, including Amcha-The Coalition for Jewish Concerns, are expected to gather outside the Palestinian UN Mission on Park Avenue in Manhattan on Friday for a memorial vigil for the Israeli couple killed in the West Bank on Thursday.
The vigil in memory of Rabbi Eitan Henkin and his wife Naama, both in their 30s, who were murdered by Palestinian terrorists in front of their four kids in a drive-by shooting near the settlement of Itamar, will be led Rabbi Avi Weiss.
“Just a day after Palestinian Authority president Mahmood Abbas declared in a speech to the United Nations General Assembly that the Oslo Peace Accords with Israel are abrogated, Palestinian terrorists struck. Abbas incited this violence, and this blood is on his hands and is a direct outcome of Abbas’ speech at the United Nations,” Rabbi Weiss said in a statement. “It’s unbearable to imagine how four children watched their parents murdered in cold blood before their eyes.”
“While our hearts and souls are now full of tears, I can’t help but place the blame directly at the feet of Abbas. When you declare in front of the world that all agreements with Israel are suspended, you send a message to go out and murder,” he added.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a statement, while in New York, “The killers knew that they were murdering a mother and father, the children were there. It has been proven again that the wild Palestinian incitement leads to acts of terrorism and murder such as we have seen this evening.”
Rabbi Henkin’s parents are Rabbi Yehuda and Chana Henkin, who moved to Israel from the US. They are both world-renowned Jewish educators and religious thinkers. The victim’s mother, Chana Henkin, founded the Nishmat Institute for Advanced Jewish Studies for Women in Jerusalem.