
Foreign Affairs C’ttee to Hold Hearing on Palestinian Incitement

Congressman Ed Royce (R-CA), Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, announced on Monday that on Thursday, October 22, the Committee will convene a hearing entitled, “Words Have Consequences: Palestinian Authority Incitement to Violence.”

The hearing comes as a flare-up of violence and series of deadly attacks across Israel.

Among those invited to testify at the hearing are Elliott Abrams, senior fellow for Middle Eastern studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, Jonathan Schanzer, VP for the Defense of Democracies, and David Makovsky, a former administration official and an expert of the Middle East peace process.

“The recent wave of attacks in Jerusalem and throughout Israel is very concerning. The seeds for this violence have been planted in the minds of young Palestinians by their leaders, who for years have incited hatred, undermining prospects for peace,” Royce said in a statement. “This has to stop. The Palestinian Authority must fulfill its responsibility to restore calm and the incitement must end.”

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu charged, during a press conference last Thursday, that “the current terror campaign in Israel is a result of continuous Palestinian incitement.”

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