Backlash to Laura Rozen’s Jewish Senators Tweet
Four Jewish #Senate committee chairs–Levin, Feinstein, Boxer, Wyden–write against @SenatorMenendez #Iran bill
— Laura Rozen (@lrozen) December 20, 2013
. @lrozen You are burying the lead: Nearly 25 percent of Senate Dems, incl perhaps the Leader, are willing to publicly buck POTUS.
— William Daroff (@Daroff) December 20, 2013
. @lrozen The leader of their party. That’s expected. This is a big deal – even if it runs counter to the narrative you’d prefer.
— William Daroff (@Daroff) December 20, 2013
No, but that it’s not irrelevant to the domestic politics of it. Deep misgivings about Iran bill with pro Israel Dems @eottolenghi
— Laura Rozen (@lrozen) December 20, 2013
This bill is not a juggernaut, significant opposition and significant who is opposing. Resistance not futile @eottolenghi
— Laura Rozen (@lrozen) December 20, 2013
Same as your point. You can be sure that Senate offices paying attention to four Jewish Senators against the Menendez bill @Daroff
— Laura Rozen (@lrozen) December 20, 2013
Otherwise, why would Jewish Federation bother to put out a statement in favor of the bill, if they thought doesn’t matter? @Daroff
— Laura Rozen (@lrozen) December 20, 2013
But you are putting out position on a bill that is before lawmakers. So how is it not relevant that 4 Jewish Senators oppose bill? @Daroff
— Laura Rozen (@lrozen) December 20, 2013
@lrozen Because it implies interests that are different than their non-Jewish peers.
— William Daroff (@Daroff) December 20, 2013
@lrozen We speak for the Jews. The Senators speak for their constituents. Again, their religion is immaterial to their view of US nat sec.
— William Daroff (@Daroff) December 20, 2013
. @PeterBeinart My point, Peter, is the danger of ascribing different motivations to Jewish Senators than to their non-J peers @lrozen
— William Daroff (@Daroff) December 20, 2013
Tweeps: My point was that Jewish Senators represent their constituents, whereas JFNA, among others, represents the Jewish community.
— William Daroff (@Daroff) December 20, 2013
Tweeps @lrozen is a friend. She is a good person, I didn't intend to imply otherwise; I merely disagree w/a syllogism she used. I'm sorry.
— William Daroff (@Daroff) December 20, 2013