
Carson: Hillary Knew of the U.S. Spying on Israel

Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson on Wednesday blasted the Obama administration for spying on Israel and its allies in Congress.

According to a report by the Wall Street Journal, the Obama administration ordered the NSA to spy on Israel’s government and collect their communications with members of Congress since 2012.

“It is truly disgraceful that the Obama administration has spied on Prime Minister Netanyahu, his colleagues and pro-Israel lawmakers in Congress,” Carson said in a statement.

The GOP presidential hopeful accused the administration of treating Israel like an enemy. “Instead of focusing on deterring the Iran nuclear threat and fighting against the mullahs who chant, ‘death to America,’ President Obama has treated Israel, our staunch, democratic ally in the Middle East, as his real enemy,” Carson said. “Not only did he not curtail surveillance of our close friend, he has once again proven himself to be a president that our enemies need not fear and our friends cannot trust.”

Carson also took a step further and accused Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton of turning a blind eye on the NSA’s surveillance of Israel, suggesting she knew about it after quitting her job at the State Department.

“No doubt President Obama’s former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton knew of the administration’s spying efforts on Israel,” he said. “It is shameful that she participated in undermining the U.S.-Israel relationship. Once again, she has shown that her experience in government is merely an indication that she is unfit to lead.”

“When I am president, I will stand firmly with Israel, and one of my first acts in office will be to revoke Obama’s nuclear agreement with Iran,” Carson pledged.

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