Russia proposes Iran sanctions relief in return for Syria withdrawal
REPORT — “Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu said in a closed hearing on Monday that Russia recently proposed to Israel and the U.S. that Iran be granted relief from some U.S. sanctions in return for the removal of Iranian forces and proxies from Syria,” Axios reported on Tuesday. According to lawmakers at the hearing, Netanyahu didn’t say whether Vladimir Putin had made the proposal to him when the two leaders met last week in Paris, but “it definitely seemed that way from the prime minister’s comments.”
“This is the first we’re hearing that the Russians have floated an idea for Iran’s withdrawal, and that they’re linking it to U.S. sanctions,” the report noted.
EXPERTS TELL JI — David Ibsen, President of United Against Nuclear Iran, to Jewish Insider: “The Iranian threat cannot be bargained away and U.S. national security interests are not for sale. Iran needs to leave Syria, Iran needs to end its support for terror, and Iran needs to abandon its nuclear program. Period.”
CEO of Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD) Mark Dubowitz: “Russia and Iran are looking for ways to undermine the administration’s maximum pressure campaign before it really gets going. Washington should build up much greater pressure and much greater leverage before starting to deal.”