Trump Surrogate: Trump Just Has To Prove That ‘He’s Not Adolf Hitler’
Donald Trump will have an easy task courting voters in the general election by proving he’s not Adolf Hitler, a media surrogate for the Republican presidential front-runner said on Monday.
“If Donald Trump is going to win the general election, he’s going to have to prove to the public that he’s not Adolf Hitler, which is going to be easy for him to do,” KKABC radio host John Phillips, a Trump surrogate said on CNN’s “New Day” program Monday morning. “If Hillary Clinton is going to win the nomination, she’s going to have to prove that she’s not Hillary Clinton. That’s going to be much harder to do.”
Phillips’ comments were in reference to Cruz’s recent claim that Trump and Clinton are the “flip sides of the same coin” on domestic and foreign policy issues alike.
Cruz’s surrogate on the program, Steve Lonegan, responded to Phillips’ comments by saying, “If I had said something like that I would have been attacked.”
Raw Story first published the comments.