Jewish Republican Wants Candidates to Offer ‘Positive’ Message
Jewish Republicans do exist in New Hampshire, and at least one of them is undecided and looking for hope.
Justin, a Jewish Republican from Manchester, NH, said during the “No Labels Problem Solver” bipartisan Convention in New Hampshire on Monday, that talking positive and offering hope is the one issue that will ultimately determine who wins the GOP presidential primaries and the election in 2016. “For me, I would say, one of the issues I see as a Republican is that we have always been ‘anti’ this and ‘anti’ that,” he said. “Sometimes we need to be angry, but it is one thing being angry and being firm. And I think one of the things that the Republicans need to do in this race is to have a positive message. Yes, things are bad. But let’s make it better. The Republican Party has to have that positive message.”
He named Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio and Chris Christie as candidates who’ve “done a great job on this.”
Justin, who did not reveal his last name, was part of a hand-picked focus group of undecided New Hampshire voters moderated by Bob Cusack, editor in chief for The Hill. “I’m a Jewish Republican out of Manchester. Yes, we do exist,” he quipped.
No Labels is a grassroots organization dedicated to achieving durable solutions by encouraging elected officials to work across the aisle. The event drew over 2,000 members and voters and co-chaired by former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman and former Senator Joe Lieberman.
Eight presidential candidates from both parties, including Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders, addressed the crowd. Of the candidates the voters above mentioned, only Christie attended the event, who skipped the opportunity to deliver opening remarks, rather taking questions from the audience.